No…Benchmark #5. But looks like it made “12 Days” proud. An apt Hero Week warm up (oh, it’s gonna be hot!).

Benchmark #5A
6 rds:
10 Pullups
10 Box Jumps
10 HP
10 B&T
10 Wall Ball
10 Pushups
Run 400m

Ugh more updates? Kinda.
1) Aug 8 Deadline for Hero Week T-shirt order forms/package. Please pay at time of ordering! (Please review the sheet, does your name have a checkmark in the paid column…get someone at the desk to confirm).
2) Sunday Special: July 31, 10:15AM…it’s not Christmas in July, but should give you that Holly Jolly feelin’!
2)PALEO SEMINAR! Aug 13, 10AM. Get the lowdown on eating like a Caveperson!
3) Corps Fitness supports the NUN RUN 2011, Sept. 17, 10AM.

Spread the Hero Week word, share with friends, talk it up with new folks at CF! We know how it’s just a different vibe, a great way to get introduced to CF. Especially, mark Sat. Aug 20! A WOD that EVERYONE can bang out some Rounds for Keystone Wounded Warriors!

The end of this week had that certain HW feel…Scout days, Grinders…folks workin’ together diggin’ deep, bein’ tough.

Grinder #11
Rope Heave, Wtd Step Up, B&T Jump(25)
Clusters, Lsit/Pike, BC/Pushup (10-10-10)
(rotate on the rep’d exercise, run 200m after each exercise)

Have a rockin’ weekend.

B&T/Lying JJ
Tire Flip/Air Squat
Lsit/Bicycle Cr.
Heavy carry/JJ
Suicide/Bear Crawl
(200m Capture the Flag)

1) Sunday Special: July 31, 10:15am

2) Please pay for Hero Week when you sign up. Order forms will be out until Aug 8.

3) Paleo Seminar: August 13th, 10AM. Learn Paleo strategies, the basics of this dietary approach, get some valuable insights into fueling your WODs! Something for everyone!

How ’bout workout on a beautiful evening!
Warm Up: 21-15-9 B&T, JJ, Flutter Kick (Sprint between rds)
A: Plank Knee, Alt SS, Side B/C, Leg Raise, Box Jump
B: Suicide, Stm Eng, Rocket Jump, Gd Mrng, Hot Seat
(30 sec rd + OC)

Primetime agility on that step!
Sumo & Side Squat Hop…well done!

Warm Up Circuit (2rds): Snatch, Dip Hold, 1legsquat, Mermaid Kips, Gladiator press, Plankwalk, Sk8r, KB Get Up
10m of Death between rds.

End: Hop-Skip-Jump (Beck’s Burpee, High Skip, Box Jump)
Last done: Feb 8, 2011. As famous, you may remember, Feb 8, 2011 to be the day Livewrong’s “Everything I learned in life I learned from Johnnie Ding Dong” was published. (all kidding aside, we’re half way to Dec 31…are you making progress to your goals? Like using a levitation spell…it’s Levio-sa!…on Box Jumps, what up?!)

“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.” -JFK
Hero Week is on the horizon, and the HW t-shirt order forms are out! We all know the gratitude associated with Hero Week…the solemn appreciation which is exercised. But another take on gratitude during HW is thanking you…all you CFers…who slam it hard core each and every class…who push new physical limits…who volunteer time and services when needed…who show up to support friends…who mourn and who celebrate…who over and over have never failed to step up in any capacity…thank you for making CF what it is. And so, in true CF fashion, that gratitude is expressed with a week of wild WODs…enjoy!:)

What to do…easy enough:
1) Visit the Summer Hero Week Page and get fired up!
2) When you’re at the gym…sign up for the HW Package ($55, 7 WODs, 1 T, Aug. 20 party) OR buy only a T ($15). The HW shirt design is on the poster board. And you have a choice of T-shirt style…either a Sleeveless or Short Sleeve…samples available to try on.
3) Pay at front desk. Orders taken until Aug 8.
4)  Get ready to bring it on Aug 15!

Good ex of extended knees on DUs…most “jump” action comes from ankle, knees neutral (simple relaxed athletic position)…and fast, fast hands!

2 rds:
50 DUs, 40 Sit Ups, 30 Swings, 20 Wall ball Run 100m 20 Wall Ball, 30 Swings, 40 Sit Ups, 50 DUs

Congrats James, Kristi, Joanne and Christine on their 1st Double Unders!!!!

WOD: 1 rope climb, 21-15-9 OHSquat, Dips,  1 rope climb

Hydration by Coach Sam:

A little bit on dehydration and staying hydrated:

What is Dehydration?

Most people don’t recognize dehydration until they are thirsty, at which point, it’s “too late” to beat dehydration and now you are fighting back to a hydrated state.  Dehydration occurs most often because of not drinking enough water throughout the day and during and after a workout. Not only are you sweating out water, but also electrolytes that keep our bodies balanced. Dehydration is very easily avoided but also very common in the summer due to an increase in activity and warmer weather.

How to Hydrate Properly

Drinking water throughout the day is vital, but also, refueling your electrolytes after a workout or activity.  Coconut water is a great post workout drink or add an electrolyte tablet to 16oz of water at least once per day.  Not only will this help hydrate you, but will help rid you of any headaches (caused by dehydration), and refuel the electrolytes you’ve lost through sweating, breathing, etc.

For more info on Hydration check this link out: