Men’s Fitness Magazine recently published a list of the 6 most brutal CrossFit WODs.  Making the list are the Filthy 50, Fran, Murph, The 7, Ryan and King Kong.

What do you think are the toughest workouts?  Mentally or physically or both?

There have been issues with comments not posting to the blog - if your comments don’t show up, email Gretchen.


Welcome to the newest CF recruit, John David (JD) Hottenstein.  Proud parents Laura and Jordan welcomed baby JD early this morning and everyone is doing well!

While recovering in the hospital room, there was some action outside the window…  Another reminder to thank those who serve and protect us every day!




1. Free intro class this Saturday 4/27 at 9:45 am!

Get out and enjoy this beautiful weather!!

Quiz time!

True or False: It’s ok to sacrifice your form as long as doing so allows you to finish the workout faster…

Post answers to comments :)

Name that movie:  “The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem.”

A beautiful day for a throwback workout!  Three pods with 1-minute transition stations: MB Side shuffle / Suicide / Double Unders.

Pull-up challenge results!  Great work by all who participated, and stay tuned for the next challenge!

Kevin: 20 t0 29

Ryan: 22 to 27

Jan D: 27 to 32

Catharine: 10 to 13

Tina: 8 to 15

Justin: 5 to 14 (Most improved male)

Jordan: 20 to 30

Nancy: 4 to 10 (Most improved female)