Are you ready for a challenge?
This is a silly question to ask CFers because the answer is always “bring it on!” September will be a fun month if the sections of fun and pain happen to overlap in your personality venn-diagram.
September will be here before we know it! Get your running and biking legs in shape for the 4th annual RU ABLE Duathlon, taking place right out your back door at the Wyomissing High School on Sunday, September 8th. Participate as an individual or as a 2- or 3-person team. You can also register for the 5k only. Register HERE by NEXT MONDAY (8/26) to guarantee your race shirt.
Once you know your 5k time, take that info to the bank and sign up for the Kyle Pagerly 5k on October 6th. No time like the fall for some great events!
And if you were on the fence about the KP5K (which I doubt you were)…something right up CFers alley to honor Kyle’s memory!
See the KP5K blog. Spread the word!
Yee-haw!! Weighted division!! Who’s got Santa??