What Makes Us Different

What is Corps Fitness?
Our class structure is based upon simple yet effective fundamental movement patterns executed at high intensity. These workouts deliver time-tested measurable health and fitness improvements. This technology delivers the most effective broad-based fitness results in the most efficient manner possible. A Corps Fitness class relies on group energy, community, and often, teamwork (a Corps Fitness class is a “group fitness” experience). Corps Fitness classes require a diversity of exercises and athleticism throughout the hour class. See our schedule page for more details on class times and locations.
Our Goal
At Corps Fitness, our main goal is to lead you towards accomplishing your goals and into becoming the best version of you.
In order to thrive in anything, a person must set goals and be disciplined in the choices they make to move forward towards achieving these goals. When you walk through the door at Corps Fitness, you will be welcomed by friendly trainers and a community of all different abilities. A community that will push you to push yourself beyond your preconceived barriers.
You will leave every class exhausted but with the knowledge that you just outperformed anything you’ve ever done before. To know that you can exist on a higher level and feel better than you ever have is a feeling no one can take away from you.
Whether you are a beginner or advanced, young or old, currently working towards your goals or not, we will push you to push yourself and redefine your fitness limits and mental barriers. This philosophy and practice are not only applicable to fitness but can (and hopefully will be) transferred to all aspects of your life.
Meet Our Trainers
I went into the Marine Corps right out of high school as an overweight football player and returned lean, fit and able to take on any challenge. The philosophy that was ingrained in me changed my outlook on fitness and being active. I started Corps Fitness with the philosophy of exposing people to the motivation…
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Joe came to an intro class in August of 2017 looking for something new to challenge him. After doing at home workout programs, running numerous trail races, 5K’s, 10K’s, and Half Marathons, culminating in the Vernon Spartan Beast, he knew after 2 weeks, that Corps Fitness would never be the same workout twice and would…
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Kevin first joined Corps Fitness on a punch card in 2008. Following some injuries he took some time away from the gym before finding his way back home in 2016. He grew up in Freehold, NJ before moving to Philadelphia to earn a bachelor degree from Philadelphia University. He moved to Reading when he and…
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Gretchen got her start with Corps Fitness in 2006 and has been hooked ever since. She enjoys pushing herself to the next level and the quiet competitiveness of a group class. Some of Gretchen’s favorite exercises include pull-ups and kettlebells. Gretchen is a CrossFit Level 2 Trainer and is currently teaching a few classes a…
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Amanda came to one of the intro classes at Corps Fitness in October of 2016. After months of trying to achieve fitness goals on my own, she returned on June 10, 2017 for her first official Corps Fitness Class. Owner, Chris Kaag, made a bet with her and gave her until the end of June…
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Words From Chris
“Defining moments” are experiences that have an impact on our souls, and create that moment by which we are defined. However we choose to handle the challenges in our lives reveals more about our personality and character than any other test. Only when someone goes beyond his perceived capabilities and is forced to dig deep into his soul to find strength, does he have a greater understanding of who he is. At that instant, knowing that you are able to exist on a higher level is one of life’s most important discoveries. Without this, our true capabilities would never be realized and our lives would be confined to the boundaries and limits we place on ourselves.
I experienced my defining moment in Marine Corps boot camp at Parris Island, SC in the summer of ’94. The profound lessons I learned at Parris Island have transcended into my daily life and continue to influence how I choose to handle all other challenges, particularly what follows.
In 1997, at the age of 21, I was diagnosed with a degenerative nerve disorder that would become the turning point of my life. I was faced with a decision to dig deep and push on or give up and let my condition take over my life. Those 3 months in boot camp would serve as my guide and ultimately give me the knowledge and strength I needed to dig deep and push on and lead me to where I am today.
Today, I continue to put one foot in front of the other, regardless if that step is supported by my 2 canes or my wheelchair, to show everyone that you only have to look inside yourself to find the strength to keep going. I live by three simple words that I learned as an 18 year old Marine recruit:
Everyone has their cross to bear, some bigger than others, but do not let it stop you from achieving your goals. Improvise; find a way to do things differently. Adapt; implement this change into your daily life. Overcome; get on with your life with no excuses.
Viewing my disability as my stepping stone and not my crutch will hopefully redefine the way others view the challenges they face. Dig deep and you can accomplish anything!
Stay motivated!
Founder – Sgt USMC