Manager/CrossFit Level One Trainer
Joe came to an intro class in August of 2017 looking for something new to challenge him. After doing at home workout programs, running numerous trail races, 5K’s, 10K’s, and Half Marathons, culminating in the Vernon Spartan Beast, he knew after 2 weeks, that Corps Fitness would never be the same workout twice and would be the place that could take him to the next level of fitness. Being the manager of Corps Fitness means that I have to set that example and get in fantastic shape and stay there. I’m excited to be helping people crush their goals and then set new, higher, loftier goals – goals that they may not have ever thought they could possibly reach.
Training Experience
CrossFit Level 1 Trainer
Joe has been a CrossFit Level 1 Trainer since July 2018.
Training Skills
CrossFit Level 1 Trainer
100 %
CrossFit Judges Certificate 2018
100 %
CrossFit Judges Certificate 2019
100 %
Meet Other Trainers

Kevin first joined Corps Fitness on a punch card in 2008. Following some injuries he took some time away from the gym before finding his way back home in 2016. He grew up in Freehold, NJ before moving to Philadelphia to earn a bachelor degree from Philadelphia University. He moved to Reading when he and his family purchased Classic Harley-Davidson in 1998. Corps Fitness has become the Kodz family gym of choice as Kevin, his wife, Amanda and their 12 year old daughter, Maria are all members.

I went into the Marine Corps right out of high school as an overweight football player and returned lean, fit and able to take on any challenge. The philosophy that was ingrained in me changed my outlook on fitness and being active. I started Corps Fitness with the philosophy of exposing people to the motivation and self realization I experienced in boot camp. I was pushed beyond what I thought was my limit and that redefined what I knew I could accomplish. In 1998 I was diagnosed with a degenerative nerve condition and as a result of my Marine Corps experience I only became more determined to make the best of my situation. My goal with Corps Fitness and the IM ABLE Foundation is to inspire others to look inside themselves to push forward despite their challenges. No Excuses…Just MOVE!